
Samaritan PAD SAM 500P Defibrillator

TDC index: 2A042

Product properties - emblems


Transparent film

Transparent film

Resistant against abrasion in case of an intensive movement of pedestrians

Resistant against abrasion in case of an intensive movement of pedestrians

Resistant against abrasion in case of an intensive movement of machines and heavy devices

Resistant against abrasion in case of an intensive movement of machines and heavy devices

Flexible sponge

Flexible sponge

Three-dimensional sign

Three-dimensional sign

The product is in accordance with the Marine Equipment Directive 96/98/EC (MED) and it has the European certificate of type approval MED.

The product is in accordance with the Marine Equipment Directive 96/98/EC (MED) and it has the European certificate of type approval MED.

The product is in accordance with IMO and ISO regulations for marine safety signs and it has the international certificate of type approval.

The product is in accordance with IMO and ISO regulations for marine safety signs and it has the international certificate of type approval.

It has the certificate of approval CNBOP – PIB

It has the certificate of approval CNBOP – PIB

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additional information

Innovative technologies of CPR Advisor

Samaritan® PAD 500P with CPR Advisor analyzes whether the pushes are fast and hard enough by using Impedance Cardiogram (ICG- Impedance Cardiogram). It shows changes in the patient impedance that depend on the blood flow which determines the effectiveness of CPR. As blood flow depends on the depth and frequency of pushes, samaritan® PAD 500P can determine how they should be done.
The goal of functioning CPR Advisor is to provide a proper cardiac massage with the help of vocal and visual prompts (CPR indicator). Exemplary pieces of advice:

The green-flashing indicator and audio prompt ‘good compressions’ mean proper massage when it comes both to the frequency and the depth of the pushes.
The prompt ‘push faster, good compressions’ means too slow pace but the right depth of the push.
The prompt ‘push harder’ indicates the need of deeper pushes.
One orange-flashing indicator means that the pushes are not done or that they are both too slow and too shallow.

The rhythmical sound of metronome makes it easier to keep the proper compression rate and the rescuer can quickly adjust the CPR thanks to the voice prompts to increase the effectiveness of the rescue actions.

Unique features:

  • The newest technology of voice advisor. The CPR advisor is an innovative and advanced system to support the CPR process and leads step-by-step through it all by showing the changes that should be applied and allow to immediately adjust the pushes to a patient’s needs. The Polish voice prompts help in focusing only on the actions and rescuing the patient.
  • Lightweight and portable- PAD 500P (weighs around 1kg which makes it 56% smaller on average than the rest of portable defibrillators)
  • Clear and readable- instruction also in Polish
  • Resistant to dust and dampness – the IP56 rating makes Samaritan PAD defibrillators devices of high-level protection against dust, dampness, and pollution.
  • Resistant to shock waves and vibrations.
  • Advanced technology of Samaritan PAD 500P uses patented electrodes technology, advanced and stable software and a special two-phased defibrillation impulse SCOPE®Biphasic – low-energetic defibrillation with automatically chosen length of an impulse, optimal amplitude for a patient, and a discharging energy to reach the highest effectiveness.
  • Patient’s safety – defibrillator assesses patient’s EKG, signal quality, electrodes connection and body impedance. Based on these criteria, it assesses the need to defibrillate.
  • Easy to use – it’s enough to open the package and attach the electrodes (the flashing green status indicator of the defibrillator informs that Samaritan PAD is ready to use. Special Pad-PakTM cartridge enables instant action minimizing the needed number of activities to minimum.)
  • Readiness and low exploitation costs. The status indicator flashes to show that the whole system works and is ready to be used. What is more Pad- Pak offers significant savings over other defibrillators that require separate battery and electrode replacements.


  • Warranty for 96 months since delivering the equipment.
  • Warranty for electrodes: 48 months
  • Warranty for battery: 48 months (set of electrodes with a battery)
  • Service during warranty – not needed.

Country of production: Ireland

TDC index: 2A042

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